Thursday, January 18, 2007

Jan 18


Decided to play with layers a little tonight since my daughter still would not let me take her picture today, neither would my son. So this one is a black and white layer on top of a color layer (that had much editing) and i cut the light out. I am still trying to decide if i like it or not but i think it is growing on me :)
edited to add another pic and:
Thanks so much for the suggestion "Hand Puppet" I do like it better with the white wall instead of the greyish tint to my ugly off white wall lol :)


Sue said...

What if you made the gray wall white?

Sue said...

Looks good :) I really likght the little glow. (I'm Sue by the way..LOL)

For the picture I took with dh - choose shutter priotity, choose the longest amount of time possible to keep the shutter open - mine was 30 sec. Keep the camera on a tripod or just stay still.

So, take the picture, stay still - and whatevere you are capturing (sparklers, flshlight, cars zooming by) it will capture the movement - and when it hits the time it will close ht eshutter. and Voila! LEt me know if it works!

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About Me

I am 33 years old and have 2 kids Madi 8 and Gabe 7. I have 2 dogs, 6 rabbits, and 1 frog. I have been married 10 years.